It’s In His Kiss by Julia Quinn – Review

Title: It’s in His Kiss

Author: Julia Quinn

Length: 448 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction; Historical Romance; Regency

Series: Bridgerton #7

Rating: 8 out of 10.

Overall Thoughts

This book was a fun shift from the last few books in the Bridgerton series. Going from the deep emotions of loss and self worth to a giddy mystery like novel was surprising. However, it was a pleasant surprise and so very Hyacinth. I found myself unable to put down this story, around every bend I couldn’t wait to see what happens next!

Hyacinth is one of the most unique characters I’ve seen in a long time. Quite honestly, I struggle to find words to describe her and find myself saying “she’s just so Hyacinth,” She is nosey yet carefree and remarkably outspoken. She is ambitious and it is never a surprise when she gets her way. The only other person like her in the Bridgerton world is Gareth’s grandmother, Lady Danbury.

            Gareth didn’t have an easy life, but I was surprised how joyful he is despite that. He is positive, funny and witty which makes for the perfect banter and friendship with Hyacinth. There aren’t many people who can keep up with Hyacinth, so it definitely gains her attention when Gareth does well in this department. He is well rehearsed with dealing with his grandmother after all.

            With the help of both Gareth’s grandmothers, Gareth and Hyacinth are sent on an adventure, solving clues, sneaking around, and falling in love on their journey. I loved the progression of their relationship, and I loved that neither of them were looking for love, they simply found it doing something they enjoyed together. I was thrilled by Gareth’s patience with Hyacinth, and her adoration with him even after finding out his biggest secrets. Her only fear being that his feelings weren’t reciprocated. It doesn’t take Gareth long to prove otherwise.

            Gareth and Hyacinth are very well suited for each other and this whole book simply made me happy. It was interesting, fulfilling and a nice change in the Bridgerton series.

What I Would Change:

            Gareth has a very small vindictive phase where he decides he’s going to withhold information from Hyacinth until their relationship is official. Either I would have removed this (because it was so brief that we could have gone without it) or I would have emphasized this idea. It would have made for an interesting conversation with stubborn Hyacinth upon finding out the truth.

“…and then Hyacinth realized that some things did come in a flash. And there were some things one simply knew without possessing the ability to explain them.

Because in that moment she knew she was gong to marry this man.

No one else would do.”

Pg. 200

“…and suddenly Gareth realized that some things did come in a flash. And there were some things one simply knew without being able to explain them. Because as he stood there watching her, all he could think was – No.

No. It would be rather easy to love Hyacinth Bridgerton.”

Pg. 210

Page #200-210

Illustration Discussion

Hyacinth is intelligent, competitive, and can be challenging to handle in larger doses. However, Gareth can handle the challenge. I do love the hand-holding, presenting a sweet romance between them. For a cover, it is very calm and still, considering the chaotic nature of Hyacinth. The color blue symbolizes freedom, imagination, confidence, and intelligence. It is a good choice for Gareth and Hyacinth, as both characters are confident and intelligent. I love the inclusion of the hand-holding, a symbol of combined strength, help, and affection.

Spoilers Bee-ware

You have been swarmed. Reading past this post means that you understand that you might spoil the book for yourself.

Stats + Facts

Ages: Gareth: 28 and Hyacinth: 22

Hyacinth’s zodiac sign is Gemini

Page of first meeting: 12

Page of first kiss: 128

Page of engagement: 235

Were they forced to marry?: No

Number of times love is said or thought of: 49
