Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn – Review

Title: Romancing Mister Bridgerton

Author: Julia Quinn

Length: 370 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction; Historical Romance; Regency

Series: Bridgerton # 6

Rating: 8 out of 10.

Overall Thoughts

This book was an awesome transition from the beginning of the series to the end. It holds two of the strongest, awaited characters in the series. We learn from the first Bridgerton novel to fall in love with Penelope and her wallflower nature. It is quite obvious she is in love with Colin, and we watch the slow evolution of her infatuation. Watching Colin return the feelings was more than fulfilling.

          Penelope is very bright, sweet, and admirable. Society seems her as an upcoming spinster since she isn’t the most attractive woman, but that just gives Colin more of a reason to fall head over heels for her. He sees the unique side of her that many others don’t, and she sees the same in him.

            Colin’s confidence and pride in Penelope gave me butterflies. The way he decides upon their marriage with such conclusiveness quite literally made Penelope stumble. When Colin makes his final announcement at the ball, he speaks about Penelope as if she is the most spectacular woman in the world, in a way that most people would hope for, from their partners.

            I loved Romancing Mister Bridgerton. Watching Colin fall for the woman who has always loved him was an amazing experience. They are adorable and a very well-suited match. I see them living a fulfilling life together where they can embrace their creativity and love deeply.

What I Would Change:

Colin is typically a ‘happy go lucky’ guy with no concerns or worries. I disliked his overpowering anger in his own book. Some emotion makes sense but leading up to this book Colin seemed like the kind of guy to brush things off or at very least keep himself collected while dealing with distasteful situations. I just wish he was a little less angry through this book.

” I love you with everything I am, everything I’ve been, and everything I hope to be. I love you with my past, and I love you for my future. I love you for the children we’ll have and for the years we’ll have together. I love you for every one of my smiles and even more, for every one of your smiles.”

Page # 338

Illustration Discussion

For such a strong book with Lady Whistledown’s mysterious identity and Colin suddenly realizing that he desires Penelope, the cover does not portray that intensity. What it emphasizes is the attraction between Penelope and Colin, as there is little space between the models on the cover. The reader can see that Penelope is looking up at Colin while Colin is holding Penelope close.

I am always watching for colors, and for Romancing Mister Bridgerton, it was not surprising to see yellow. If you have watched or read the series, you will know that Penelope is always depicted wearing yellow. Yellow is the color of deceit but also of hope, happiness, and warmth.

Spoilers Bee-ware

You have been swarmed. Reading past this post means that you understand that you might spoil the book for yourself.

Stats + Facts

Ages: Colin: 33 and Penelope: 28

Colin’s zodiac sign is Pisces, Penelope’s is Aries

Who was interested first?: Penelope

Page of first kiss: 154

Page of engagement: 249

Were they forced to marry?: No

Number of times love is said or thought of: 81
