The Princess will Save You by Sarah Henning – Review

Title: The Princess will Save You

Author: Sarah Henning

Length: 352 pages

Genre: Fantasy; Young Adult; Romance; Retelling

Spice Level (if applicable): 1 / 5*


Series: The Kingdoms of Sand and Sky #1

Overall Rating: 9.5 / 10

Rating: 8.5 out of 10.

The start of the book begins with meeting our main characters, Ama and Luca. These characters are childhood friends who ignore social status and are deeply in love with each other. It’s a running theme that everyone in the kingdom of Ardenia knows that Ama and Luca are always together.

The Princess Will Save You by Sarah Henning is a fantasy romance filled with strong females, political intrigues, and games, featuring a devoted couple. I loved the mysteries that were presented.

A large theme is of overbearing patriarchy and how women fit into that scheme. Amarande will be faced with obstacles in her right to take the throne. Ama is shocked when it comes time for her to take the throne, and the council rejects her status as the heir because of her gender! I feel for you, Ama, as when the regent is named, General Koldo, a female, is chosen and the council agrees!! What’s up with that?!

When Ama tries to push against the gendered politics, the council is adamant that she marry a heir from the neighbouring kingdoms. She does not want to do that as she wants to marry for love. A bit of naivete from Ama.

Before Ama can really start her political play for her throne, Luca is kidnapped. In the stables is a blackmail note: Marry Prince Renard or Luca dies. (I’m paraphrasing here) Ama is being forced to marry Prince Renard, a neighbouring heir, to save Luca. Initially, I worried that she would try to play more games when I remembered the title of the book, “The Princess Will Save You.” Can you guess what Ama (our hotheaded princess) chose to do…You guessed it? Ama sets off to save Luca. I just loved the bending of the norms that dictate that a man must be the saviour and the woman, the damsel. Not in this book! Adding to this point, Luca while held captive is certain that his princess will save him! Love it!

The rest of the book is filled with daring rescue attempts, spoiled heirs with saviour complexes, and a wedding! We are held captive as readers, hoping and praying that everything will turn out well for Ama and Luca. I do wonder if Renard will continue to be a problem for Ama and Luca, even though we do see him stabbed at the end of the book.

” “As you wish.” he dropped her wrist but not eye contact. “But you’re making your path more difficult, my princess.” (Prince Renard)

Yet it was her path to choose. She would do it her own way.

This conniving boy had stolen her Luca away, and she would steal him right back.”

Prince Renard and Princess Amarande, Page 65.

This cover is amazing. I love it when books have character illustrations; it helps me visualize the characters the way the author wants their readers to. The cover acts as a window into the author’s world and imagination, and by including cover illustrations, the readers can glimpse the characters’ expressions, characteristics, and even possibly the theme of the book.

The Princess Will Save You’s cover depicts a story. One that is dramatic and precious. Ama and Luca are both on the cover, staring at a person over the reader’s shoulder (she has her sword raised, so a threat?). Ama stands in front of Luca, protecting him. However, I would not say that Luca is weak, but more that Ama is determined to protect him.

You have been swarmed. Reading past this post means that you understand that you might spoil the book for yourself.

There were an average of 6.5 pages per chapters.

34 Point-of-View switches in this book. The majority view is Amarande with Luca in close second. We also see from the kidnappers, Prince Renard, and General Koldo.

As a fantasy romance, it was not surprising that there were numerous romantic moments, a whopping 17 loving moments between Ama and Luca.

Love is first brought up by Ama (in her head) at the beginning of Chapter 9 (Page 55)

Their first kiss is on Page 178 after Ama rescues Luca from his kidnappers.

After that first kiss, Ama and Luca become more open with their love and kiss each other three more times.

There are 8 fight scenes.

There are multiple mysteries in this book: the murder of Ama’s father, King Sendoa; the kidnapping of Luca; the identity of the Warlord; the location of the Runaway Queen of Ardenia; and the missing heir of the Torrence Kingdom.

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