Star Wars: the High Republic: Out of the Shadows by Justina Ireland – Review

Title: Star Wars: the High Republic: Out of the Shadows

Author: Justina Ireland

Length: 423 pages

Genre: Science Fiction; Young Adult; Romance; LGBTQIA2S+; Space Opera; Star Wars

Series: Star Wars: the High Republic

Rating: 9 out of 10.

Overall Thoughts

Star Wars is close to my heart, and I have been enjoying the High Republic book-focused series. It has been interesting to see a different period in the Star Wars universe, one that focuses on the high point of the Jedi Order and different problems. “Out of the Shadows” follows the previous book in the series, and I found that while it was connected, I was still able to understand and enjoy the story.

The plot of this book follows the previous books (which I have only read a few), but I was still able to understand and enjoy the story. We follow multiple pairs of Jedi and their Padawan’s, a star pilot looking for her ship, the Nihil, among other characters. All these characters end up meeting in the same location, a war machine being crafted by a mad scientist/Nihil member. The pacing of this book was slow until over half way through the book, as it was lots of politics to go through and characters to bring together.

Any romance? If so, was it good? I must say that there was more romance than I was expecting in a Star Wars book. Once Jordanna and Syl were in the same room, it was clear that the chemistry was there, even if a little fractured. These two people had dated previously but were unable to stick the landing and separate, and it only took a couple of near-death experiences for things to change their minds. I was routing for Jordanna to convince Syl that she would be a good choice in partner.

Quick side note, there is a beautiful animal in this book, practically a character all their own, a volkka named Remy. (If you are curious, Wookieepedia has a record on them.)

” There was something more civilised, in her mind, about fighting pirates and struggling for survival among the stars than lying to government officials and dying because of a blaster bolt to the back in a fancy building.”

Page 265

Illustration Discussion

On this cover, we get to see some of our main characters. We see Sylvestri Yarrow centered, flanked by Vernestra Rwoh and Imri Cantaros, with a background filled with Nihil, the main antagonists. The scene on the cover does happen, as Vernestra and Cantaros are ambushed by the Nihil at Everbloom. However, Sylvestri ends up coming in later during that conflict.

I love this cover. It provides the readers with a visual of what the characters look like while also providing a sneak peek into a scene.

Spoilers Bee-ware

You have been swarmed. Reading past this post means that you understand that you might spoil the book for yourself.

Stats + Facts

For a Star Wars book, I was excited and dreading counting the Force. I did limit myself to only count the times that characters used the Force (consciously or unconsciously). As for the count, there are 24 Force usages in the book.

There were 3 visions experienced by Vernestra.

There are 15 fight scenes. 3 assassination attempts (with 1 successful assassinations), and 1 large battle.

I was not expecting romance, but I was glad. Sylvestri and Jordanna had a previous relationship (pre-book) and were estranged with no expectation of meeting again. Once back in each other’s lives, Jordanna is quick to try and rekindle their relationship. That being said, there were 10 romantic moments (2 were not about Syl and Jordanna) and 2 kisses.

I have a habit of tracking the switching perspectives, and this book was no exception. There were a total of 42 perspective switches.
