Last Kiss Goodnight by Gena Showalter – Review

Title: Last Kiss Goodnight

Author: Gena Showalter

Length: 436 pages

Genre: Paranormal Romance; Urban Fantasy; Science Fiction

Spice Level (if applicable): 4 / 5*

Series: Otherworld Assassins #1

Overall Rating: 9 / 10

Rating: 9 out of 10.

I really liked this book. I enjoyed the chemistry between Solo and Vik, the fact that Vik was deaf added an interesting twist to the story, and that forced proximity the two were faced with. 

The circus that Vik’s father runs has taken a dark turn. He has decided to add a otherworlder interaction. A horrible choice that leads to countless deaths, lots of pain, and Vik meeting her future husband. 

Solo is an operative that is sold to the circus. Vika and Solo are antagonistic towards each other even though they are attracted to each other. At the beginning, Solo assumes that Vik is in cahoots with her father when in reality she is abused, controlled, and stuck in the same circus. 

I love the slow burn that happens between Solo and Vik. It was delicious to read about them falling in love. Once Solo finds out about the abuse and the deafness, Solo is quick to change his tune and protect Vik. 

I enjoyed the ups and downs of the book. The journey between the planes and the zombies was interesting as it allowed Vik and Solo to have uninterrupted time together. I felt for Vik’s situation and her ignored bleeding heart. I was intrigued with the Dr. E and X that appear to Solo (and eventually Vik) to give him bad and good advice.

*Slow-burn; sexual scene

Page 433

This cover does well to tell the reader what will be happening in the book. Solo, our male lead, will be captured and put into a circus cage. Vik, in one of the later scenes, will be placed into a red dress for a circus act and even have a dagger from her mother.

I love the bright colour red on the cover. The title, the author, and the dress are all the same bright red that draws the eye. A very nice colour.

You have been swarmed. Reading past this post means that you understand that you might spoil the book for yourself.

There were on average 11.7 pages per chapter.

The perspectives were split between characters, with Michael having 1 chapter, Solo has 17 chapters, with Vik having 15 chapters.

Solo and Vik mention falling in love 9 times.

Solo is protective of Vik 18 times.

There are 13 kisses between Solo and Vik.

Vik and Solo have 18 romantic moments between the two of them.

Love is mentioned 4 times.

Vik realizes her love for Solo first, on page 369. Solo realizes his love for Vik on page 397.