Forbidden Viking By Ree Thornton – Review

Book Title: Forbidden Viking

Author: Ree Thornton


“An Arabian Princess tastes freedom…

When Samara Abbasid’s ship is attacked she throws herself overboard and seeks refuge in the Viking Jarldom of Gottland. Claiming to be merely a scribe, she temporarily escapes her life of duty and expectation, and is free to sample the Vikings ways. She finds them as seductive as the strong Jarl, Valen. However, if Valen discovers her royal status he could use her as leverage in his trade negotiations with her father, the powerful Caliph. Worse, she must soon return to the royal court and her upcoming arranged marriage. But once she’s tasted forbidden pleasure will she be able to return to a life of duty…?

A Jarl bound by duty…

The most powerful Viking clans are assembling on the isle of Gottland to celebrate Valen Eriksson’s ascension to Jarl. So Valen is furious to discover rogue Vikings have raided in his territory. Now he must serve swift justice and protect the mysterious survivor until he can return her the Abbasid Caliph. The last thing he needs is to be tempted by the alluring scribe, not when he’s sworn to choose a bride from an allied Viking clan. Duty to his clan has always been first and foremost, yet his heart yearns…” (According to GoodReads)

Length: 138 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction; Historical Romance, Viking

Spice Level: 5 / 5*

Series: Viking Hearts #2

Overall Rating: 7.6 / 10

Here is the buzz…I read this book as an ebook and had to purchase a book copy. I enjoyed it so much! I was pleased both times that I read the love story between Samara Abbasid and Valen Eriksson. After a brutal attack, Samara is picked up by Valen’s men and brought back to the village. She was attacked by another Viking because she is a princess, and so she lies about her identity when prompted. 

Valen is about to become Jarl and cannot afford to be distracted…and distracted he is when he glimpses Samara. She is strong-willed, educated, and knows many languages but claims to only be a scribe. He is unable to believe that fact and when he finds out the truth is heartbroken. He can definitely have nothing to do with the beautiful woman as she is a princess. 

During a swimming scene, Valen and Samara agree to enjoy their time together and throw caution to the wind. They cannot actually have sex but still, they start a secret forbidden relationship. Of course, as this book is only 138 pages, her father, the Caliph, is quick to arrive on the scene. At this point, Valen and Samara have had a few weeks of blissful making out and falling in love. 

When the Caliph arrives, the end of their relationship is nigh. Valen tries to end things but Samara is unwilling to leave Valen. She no longer wishes to feel trapped/confined in her past life, as she has changed dramatically. She has enjoyed the freedom of this new life. 

I enjoyed this brief but spicy romp. It was brief but beautiful. Samara is a strong woman that knows what she wants, knows what she does not, and goes about getting that. Similarly, Valen is a strong Viking with a protective streak, a penchant for not listening to the rules and a determination to keep Samara close to him.

*Slow burn; Explicit sex scenes

” Don’t think, feel what you heart wants. Love can vanish in a heartbeat and all that you are left with are memories, little glowing embers to light the path through the darkness and pain that follow. Love him while you can.”

Page 79

You have been swarmed. Reading past this post means that you understand that you might spoil the book for yourself.

Multiple Perspectives: Valen and Samara have 10 chapters.

Samara and Valen share their first kiss on page 46.

‘I Love You’ or ‘Love’ is mentioned 9 times.

Valen is the first to mention falling in love, on page 68.

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