Dark Star Burning, Ash Falls White by Amélie Wen Zhao – [Review]

Book Information

Book Title: Dark Star Burning, Ash Falls White

Author: Amélie Wen Zhao


“The epic sequel to the book Song of Silver, Flame Like Night, is a fast-paced, riveting YA fantasy inspired by the mythology and folklore of ancient China.

Years ago, the Elantian colonizers invaded Lan’s homeland and killed her mother in their search to uncover the Last Kingdom’s greatest the location of its legendary four Demon Gods. Lan’s mother devoted her life to destroying the Demon Gods, and Lan is determined to finish her mission. Yet, there are others searching for the gods, too.

Zen knew his soul was forfeit the moment he made a deal with the Demon God known as the Black Tortoise, but he’s willing to lose himself if it means saving the Kingdom–and the girl–he loves. But to crush the colonizers who have invaded his land he needs more power than even a single Demon God can provide. He needs an army. And he knows exactly where he can find it–in the undead army his great grandfather lead decades ago. 

The Elantians may have stolen their throne, but the battle for the Last Kingdom has only begun.”

According to GoodReads

Length: 348 pages

Genre: Fantasy; Young Adult; Mythology; Romance

Series: Song of the Last Kingdom #2

Spice Level ( If applicable): 2 / 5 *

Overall Rating: 9.6 / 10

What’s the Buzz about this book?

A rather complicated continuation of Song of Silver, Flame like Night, as Zen and Lan are at odds, Elatians are looking for Demon Gods, and a seemingly impossible path to end the conflict.

I was heartbroken for Lan in the last book as she lost her family, and her love with Zen, and is on the run. I felt further betrayed by Zen’s bad choice. He chose his revenge over the possibility of love…a choice that Zen is quick to regret in this book. He hates the pain he caused and comes to realize that he wants a happy ending with Lan more. 

A main theme is the meaning of power and the dangers of it. Power is something to be used but must always be something to be destroyed. We learn some rather damning things about humanity and the demon gods and that an ancient cycle of control has been broken. Lan and Zen task themselves to right the wrongs and to stop the destruction of the world by the demon gods. There are multiple obstacles, such as demon-possessed princes, Elantian Magicians, and their frustrating nature of being at odds with each other.  

I was in great pain as I read this book. I feared that the theme of Chinese folklore and storytelling would make itself known…the ending being bittersweet and someone dead! Even with that fear, I fell in love with Lan and Zen all the other again and felt for their star-crossed lovers. 

*How Spicy was the read?

A definite slow burn. Zen and Lan take their time coming together 😉 as they must deal with their differing paths. However, when that obstacle is overcame, they do have a very vague but sexy scene.

Favourite Quote(s):

Page 334

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Spoilers Bee-ware!

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Stats + Facts:

Multiple Perspectives: Erascius starts off the book with 1 chapter; Xan Temurezen “Zen” has 12 chapters; Sòng Lián “Lan” has 17 chapters; and Yeshin Noro Dilyala has 1 chapter.

Both Lan and Zen have demon gods bound to them. The Black Turtle speaks to Zen 19 times and the Silver Dragon speaks to Lan 5 times.

Love is mentioned three times; first by Lan on page 236 and a second time (also by Lan) on page 253. Zen and Lan share their love with each other on page 255.

The first kiss is on page 86; and later on page 253.

Zen and Lan spend a lot of time separated in this book. They are reunited on page 82 and once again on page 189.

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