The Daughters of Izdihar by Hadeer Elsbai – [Review]

What’s the Buzz about this book?

The Daughters of Izdihar tells a complex tale of Nehal and Giorgina as they navigate a repressive male-dominated society filled with magical abilities and emphasize on family elements. Quickly I came to the realization that Nehal, the richer of the two women, is impulsive and does not think of the big picture; whereas, Giorgina lives on the rougher side of Alamaxa. 

Change is coming! Nehal and Giorgina become mixed up with the Daughter of Izidhar, a female suffrage movement. The movement is filled with like-minded women hoping to change the world. They want equal rights and the ability for women to control their own lives and make decisions. 

Adding to the complications, there is magic. The four elements allow people to weave…with varying success. Nehal is an waterweaver, while Nehal is an earthweaver. In Alamaxa, women are not trusted with their thoughts, their lives, and their weaving abilities. 

The Daughters of Izdihar plan multiple peaceful protests to convince the governing bodies that women deserve the opportunity to control their own destinies. These plans seem to always turn out badly for the group. Further, there is war on the horizon. A neighbouring country is hostile and negotiations are in the works. 

The book ends on a cliffhanger, with Nehal, Giorgina, Nico, and Malak all in the lurch. Hanging in the balance is the freedom of women and the war on the horizon. Everyone will be needed in the next book to survive the coming war.

Favourite Quote(s):

Page 338

Book Information:

Book Title: The Daughters of Izdihar

Author: Hadeer Elsbai


“From debut author Hadeer Elsbai comes the first book in an incredibly powerful new duology, set wholly in a new world, but inspired by modern Egyptian history, about two young women–Nehal, a spoiled aristocrat used to getting what she wants and Giorgina, a poor bookshop worker used to having nothing–who find they have far more in common, particularly in their struggle for the rights of women and their ability to fight for it with forbidden elemental magic

As a waterweaver, Nehal can move and shape any water to her will, but she’s limited by her lack of formal education. She desires nothing more than to attend the newly opened Weaving Academy, take complete control of her powers, and pursue a glorious future on the battlefield with the first all-female military regiment. But her family cannot afford to let her go–crushed under her father’s gambling debt, Nehal is forcibly married into a wealthy merchant family. Her new spouse, Nico, is indifferent and distant and in love with another woman, a bookseller named Giorgina.

Giorgina has her own secret, however: she is an earthweaver with dangerously uncontrollable powers. She has no money and no prospects. Her only solace comes from her activities with the Daughters of Izdihar, a radical women’s rights group at the forefront of a movement with a simple goal: to attain recognition for women to have a say in their own lives. They live very different lives and come from very different means, yet Nehal and Giorgina have more in common than they think. The cause–and Nico–brings them into each other’s orbit, drawn in by the group’s enigmatic leader, Malak Mamdouh, and the urge to do what is right.

But their problems may seem small in the broader context of their world, as tensions are rising with a neighboring nation that desires an end to weaving and weavers. As Nehal and Giorgina fight for their rights, the threat of war looms in the background, and the two women find themselves struggling to earn–and keep–a lasting freedom.” (As pulled from GoodReads)

Book Length: 370 pages

Genre: Fantasy, LGBTQIA2S+, Historical Fantasy

Series: The Alamaxa Duology #1

Spice Level ( If applicable): 1 / 5

Overall Rating: 8.9 / 10

Spoilers Bee-ware!

You have been swarmed. Reading past this post means that you understand that you might spoil the book for yourself.

Stats + Facts:

Multiple POVs: Nehal has 16 while Giorgina has 15.

There are 36 chapters.

The title “The Daughters of Izhidar” is mentioned (for the first time) on page 3.

Nehal is a water weaver; while Giorgina is a earth weaver.


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