Buzzing Policies

Review Policies

What genres do we cover in our reviews and what platforms will we use to promote and share our reviews?

We will be typically reading fiction (romance, fantasy, Science Fiction and any derivatives). However, we can be tempted to read outside of these genre types.

Are we currently accepting new review copies?

We would be happy to accept new review copies.

What book formats do we accept?

We accept physical and digital copies of books. If you are providing us with a PDF or digital copy, please provide proof of ownership / author permission.

Do we have a book rating system? If so, How does it work?

Short answer, yes we do have a rating system. Do to our personal choice, we have decided to leave out the rational behind our reviews from the posts. Instead, we are including the totals from out categories in the overall review, in addition, with our overall review. Our rating system is broken down from 100. We are analyzing theme (25), characters (20), Illustration (10), Ending (20), Plot Line (20), and Predictability (5). From there, we are dividing the total of 100 points into 10 honeycombs. (using the star rating system of WordPress)

What is the best way to contact us? What information should be provided?

The best way would be to through the Contact page.

Privacy Policies

Of the information that we are collecting from his website, we are only collecting email if you decide to follow this blog. That information (the email address) will be keep confidential and will be constantly updated.


This website is a reflection of our personal opinions and not a reflection of opinions of associated parties. We have chosen to become Amazon Affiliates and through that we have decided to include links to Amazons.